The biggest mistake that puts people on a wild goose chase that leaves them tired, weary, and no further ahead with their health is identifying the symptom as the source of the issue.

Let me give you an example.

The doctor says you have a sinus issue. They may diagnose it as sinusitis or a deviated septum, and might recommend antibiotics or surgery as the answer. The problem with this diagnosis is that the source of the issue that is creating this symptom is often not in the nose itself. They compound this mistake by treating the symptom with traumatic and toxic medicine or procedures, that actually results in regression long term because the source issue continues to fester, and your body now has a pharmaceutical trauma to heal from as well.

Ready for the truth and real answer to this common problem?

The symptoms in your nasal cavity, are most often a result of stomach, gallbladder, and/or small intestine dysfunction, likely caused by an infection and/or deficiency. So you can try to fix the symptoms in the nose by haphazardly taking antibiotics or using toxic nasal sprays, but you must know that this will only aggravate those areas long term and create a longer recovery. You could do surgery to fix a deviated septum, but you must know that the surgery will create trauma and leave the source of the issue still unresolved.

You could also use a net pot to clear the nasal cavity of contaminants, which isn’t a bad idea, but that will do nothing to fix the source of the issue, so you’ll likely be left managing it for the rest of your life.

The sinuses are just one of many examples of where you’re distracted by the symptom and ignoring the cause, which creates long term frustration and a growing toxic burden from pills and procedures.

Another common example is skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, ringworm, and vitiligo, which are different symptoms caused mostly by infections in just a few areas of the body. Where that infection originates, and where the skin condition shows up, are most often two completely separate areas of the body.

For example, a rash near the elbow can often be connected to the large and small intestine, stomach, spleen, or pancreas. Until you clean up the appropriate area, which can be confirmed through other existing symptoms, that rash will never really go away naturally. You can use steroidal creams and other skin products but none of them fix the source of the rash, and simply shuffle the problem under the surface, only to usually come back again in a different season or time of stress.

Like many things in conventional medicine, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Distract from the cause, treat the symptom, and take credit for using $CIENCE to rid people of problems that are only being kicked down the road to become worse later on in life. The majority of their products and procedures are useless for chronic disease cures, which is why no one feels truly healthy and free while on their system. I’ve never seen a healthy person in a line up at the pharmaceutical pill dispensary, and there’s a reason for that. They know that doctors are quacks and only treat symptoms with toxic pills and procedures, which is a losing proposition for any disease.

So always consider the symptom is not where the source issue is, and that medical intervention will most likely not solve it. Knowing where the source issue lies, and treating it naturally, is a win-win because the symptoms go away AND you eliminate the source issue as well so it doesn’t fester and turn into something greater later on. The best of both worlds. If you do this right, you’ll often clear the condition or improve it dramatically in 8 weeks or less. Any longer than that, and you’re likely back on that wild goose chase with your doctor being the lead quack.

Need some help finding the source of your issues rather than treating the symptom? Check out the THRIVE Academy and book a free program consult.

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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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