Book a program consult and rapid assessment with Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body, to uncover the source of your health concerns and the compatibility of the THRIVE Academy to your individual health needs.

Derek’s understanding of the human body and how to heal it through food, supplements, and lifestyle came from him eliminating a multitude of chronic conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, candidiasis, hypothyroid, autoimmune disease, skin disease, chronic fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, prostatitis, kidney and urinary issues, liver problems, allergies, acid reflux, and pancreatitis. Doing it on his own came with a steep cost though…he ended up spending around $35,000 dollars to figure this all out himself.

In this virtual (face to face) or verbal session, your current health concerns will be discussed and assessed to see if the THRIVE Academy is a fit for your desired results. Conditions that have been healed in the THRIVE Academy include digestive disease (IBS, Crohn’s, SIBO, colitis, candida overgrowth, acid reflux, pancreatitis, leaky gut), autoimmune disease (hypothyroid, Graves, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s), type 2 diabetes, skin disease, asthma/allergies, chronic fatigue, prostatitis, urinary tract infections, sleep issues, brain fog, weight issues, and more.

NOTE: All consults are confirmed immediately by email and text (if your number is provided – not necessary but MORE reliable). Please ensure to check junk and promotion email folders if necessary for confirmation and add it to your calendar. Otherwise, assume the appointment you booked is confirmed and be prepared to attend at the time you scheduled (you will be called at your number if a Zoom connection isn’t viable).

Book your consult and assessment! >>