Detox is generally a good idea when you grow up in a world where you are constantly being insulted by contaminants, and especially when they are placed inside your body by so called health professionals.

Unfortunately, arguably the most dangerous category of toxins of them all are being injected and inserted into our bodies by medical professionals, while we eat and inhale them as well through food and environmental pollution.

I’m talking about heavy metals.

I could go on and on about heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, and lead, and the health conditions they lead to like autoimmune and Alzheimers, but all you really need to know is that wherever they end up, they will destroy the tissue and nerves, and render the faculties that they service, compromised or useless.

So whether it was your childhood injections, the flu shot, the COVID shot, mercury in your teeth, your pots and pans, aluminum foil, deodorant, seafood, baking powder, or chem trails, you likely have some level of metal accumulation, and it will be affecting your health. Keep in mind that just because you removed metals out of your mouth, doesn’t mean they aren’t in other areas of your body due to electrogalvanism. 

So, the logical idea is to detox them out of your body, and quick, right? Not so fast.

Having seen and helped many people overcome conditions related to heavy metal accumulation, I can profoundly state that doing it too quickly can cause major set backs. The ability of the individual to remove this toxin through their detox pathways will be determined by the health of their infrastructure, most notably the liver. An inability to process heavy toxins due to inefficient methylation will cause an immediate inflammatory response from the body that can be painful and suck the energy right out of you for months and even years. Those with MTHFR need to be especially careful and diligent to do it correctly.

So, while you need to work on removing metals, you need to adopt a slow and steady pace with appropriate foods and supplements in their purest format that act as binders and re-mineralizers, so you don’t liberate and deposit metals somewhere else in your body, and you nourish the areas that will be left barren if not properly nourished after their removal.

Otherwise, heavy inflammation will set in and you will feel depleted and defeated. It doesn’t have to be this way, but often, people do it this way on their own and meet with unnecessary consequences.

It should also be noted that when using binders for metal detox, that many of them are contaminated themselves with heavy metals, which kind of defeats the purpose of using these products to remove them. This is why organic and lab-verified is the only suitable option when choosing supplements for a heavy metal cleanse. Anything else, and you’re rolling the dice on your health and future quality of life.

As someone who has successful removed an obnoxious amount of metals, for himself and my clients, I can tell you that health circumstances change abruptly once these metals are drawn down and out of your body. Patience is required, but you can feel noticeable different in 8-12 weeks, depending on the level of contamination. Also keep in mind that any form of radiation in your environment, like non-native EMFs, will make the condition worse, and certain biological infections can thrive in an environment that contains metals, like parasites.

This is why a holistic plan is a much safer and efficient one, taking all these considerations into mind. Peace of mind can be restored, as well as your health, within the confines of the THRIVE Academy. Learn more about my approach, by booking a free program consult.

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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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