We often unwittingly do things on a daily basis that are harming our health. We think that once we start eating more fruits and vegetables and start exercising that everything else will take care of itself. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that, and the following 5 actions will explain why you may be sabotaging your health.

Improper food combining

Eating clean and including plenty of fruits and vegetables into your healthy lifestyle is definitely a step in the right direction. However, you will be taking a step back if you are improperly combining them at meals and snack time.

Certain foods are best eaten on their own (like fruit), while other foods can be combined but certain rules apply. For example, you shouldn’t combine starchy vegetables with protein (ie. potatoes with beef or chicken), but instead should consider eating your animal protein with non-starchy vegetables like greens or a salad.

Improper food combining neutralizes enzymatic activity and complicates digestion, leaving undigested food particles that will be rendered toxic in your system.

If you put together improperly combined foods, ensure you add more enzymatic foods to your meal, like a side of fermented vegetables.

Lack of grounding

We are living in a positively charged world of electronics, cell phones, computers, transportation, and televisions. While this technology offers conveniences we would rather not do without, we do need to really consider the implications of basking in the glow of these positively charged devices.

This is why it is an excellent idea to ground yourself in order to neutralize the harmful effects of these electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) to remove the stress they put on your body along with the other negative health implications.

Make your devices safer with Aires Tech

Too much stress

We know stress can complicate our health, but we don’t often fully realize the acidic nature of it and how it slowly deteriorates our quality of health.

Stress can be managed by replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones on a daily basis, and incorporating foods and herbs that can help us in this process such as kefir, chamomile, and ganoderma (reishi).

To help manage your stress, consider these foods and herbs.

Over consumption of natural food based sugars

Replacing white processed sugar and other artificial sweeteners with healthier alternatives is a positive step in reducing our low quality sugar intake.

However, we need to be careful to not consume too many natural food based sugars as well. Popular fruits like bananas are much too high in sugar for those with an unbalanced inner ecosystem (ie. candida overgrowth), and will feed rogue yeast that can create significant complications and disease processes ranging from arthritis to cancer.

Natural sugars are a step above processed sugars, but limit or avoid them until you are certain you have an effective digestive system that can process and metabolize them correctly.

You can see how effective your digestion is by taking this test.

Lack of sun exposure

Without the sun, life on this planet would not exist. So it’s fair to say we should respect its life promoting rays, and not fear them.

However, due to the marketing and lobbying efforts of sunscreen companies, we have been led to believe that the sun is something to protect ourselves against at all costs.

The reality is you DO need sunshine to penetrate your skin to create the one free vitamin available to us (although it is technically a hormone) – namely, vitamin D. Slapping on mostly toxic sunscreen products not only prevents that absorption, but also puts toxins directly into your bloodstream,

Get into the sun for at least 15-20 minutes each day (longer for darker skin) before you apply anything, so you can experience the health benefits this vital vitamin can provide.

Try Nanonutra Liposomal D3/K2

You can’t heal your body when you are sabotaging yourself in these ways. Do your best to clean these areas up, and well-being will start to come to you.



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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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