With dozens of different digestive disease labels created by the conventional medical system, it might surprise you that most of those conditions boil down to a handful of issues that have occurred within the digestive infrastructure.
Unfortunately, the health care system has convinced far too many that their disease label is unique and requires specific medications to fix it, when in reality, hundreds of disease labels are created from the same core traumas that simply reside in different areas and create different symptoms. Fix the core traumas, and you can reverse multiple symptoms at once.
The first core trauma that affects digestion negatively is chemical infections. This can include but not be limited to agricultural chemicals like glyphosate, antibiotic drugs, heavy metals like mercury, synthetic fluoride, bromines from flours, remnants of growth hormones in animal products, preservatives like nitrites, MSG, and citric acid, and of course, genetically modified foods.
These traumas can create ulcers and perforations in delicate tissues in the stomach, gallbladder, and intestinal tract, that will lead to conditions such as allergies, skin conditions, leaky gut, autoimmune disease, acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, and more.
The second trauma that affects digestion is biological infections. This typically includes pathogenic bacteria, parasites, fungus, mold, and viruses that can be initiated by pharmaceutical injections, poor food preparation, bad hygiene, dirty water, moldy conditions in home, insect or animal bites, unprotected sex, and more.
These traumas can create anxiety, skin conditions, IBS, SIBO, grinding of teeth, extreme fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and more.
A third and less recognized instigator of digestive issues is stress. Whether it is mild anxiety to full on depression, the contraction of the digestive system and the allocation of resources to a fight or flight response which sends energy to the extremities, will cause dysfunction in the digestive infrastructure which will lead to improper assimilation and a break down of the health of it’s tissues. If this goes on for too long, more serious symptoms will present themselves, often in the upper gastrointestinal system.
Stress can lead to improper bowel movements like constipation, autoimmune disease, acid reflux, gas, and an inability to properly digest food.
Which often leads to the fourth common cause, which is impacted fecal matter in the colon. A failure to properly break down and flush out old debris will leave it to rot in your large intestine. Unfortunately, this debris can create autointoxication, whereby these waste products and toxins create a poisoning effect and can be absorbed into the blood stream, polluting other areas of the body as well.
This situation most commonly leads to colon cancer, but can also create the infamous “beer belly”.
The last major issue is the accumulation of biofilm, or perhaps more accurately, intestinal plaque. This sticky film is made by living, microscopic organisms. The structure is fairly tough, and to give you an example, dental plaque is biofilm in the mouth. Bacteria and other microscopic creatures create this unhealthy biofilm in order to ensure their survival. They essentially are creating their biological home in your body using a mixture of sugars and proteins that help protect them against any “attacks” that they may face (such as antibiotics) that would potentially kill them off.
This unhealthy biofilm can create nutrient deficiencies and foster pathogenic micro-organisms and even metals, which can result in candida overgrowth, heartburn, chronic fatigue, autoimmune issues, IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s, as well as bloating, gas, brain fog, arthritis, and skin conditions.
As you can see, these 5 situations can create dozen of different symptoms, and in some cases, it’s one source problem left uncleared that was allowed to fester into more.
Supplements can help, but are rarely the answer alone. A digestive reset diet is required, along with proper supplementation, and lifestyle factors addressed as appropriate. If the condition is chronic and has been going on for years or decades, dedication to this type of plan is the only real way out. I would know, as I had most of the symptoms mentioned and cleared them ALL through diet supplements, and lifestyle.
If you need a specific plan or guidance for any digestive problem, the THRIVE Academy has been helping fix these issues naturally for over a decade. You can check it out and even book a free program consult.