There are a myriad of health problems existing today, and to make matters worse, many people are unaware that they even exist. It’s very difficult to heal disease when there is little to no acknowledgement of the problem, and even worse, little to no desire to take the necessary actions to prevent the problem from getting worse or to remedy it. However, if you are one of the few who do want to take broad based action, check into these top foods and herbs that solve the most health issues right now.
Fermented Foods
Due to the overconsumption of “dead” foods, the digestive system has been left in an undesirable spot. Its storehouse of enzymes has been depleted and its bacterial balance has been compromised, and both need to be restored to get the gut back to a favorable place.
One of the best ways is through fermented foods as they are an exceptional source of probiotics, keep bad bacteria and yeast in check, and are a great source of food-based enzymes. Since the nutrients are already predigested, they are easily assimilated which gives the digestive system a rest so it can properly heal.
Get your coconut kefir recipe, and your sauerkraut recipe, to take full advantage of the benefits of fermented foods.
Due to xenoestrogens, radiation, and other hormone disruptors, the thyroid gland has taken a beating. Add in excessive cell phone and computer usage, along with the Fukushima fall out to deal with, the thyroid needs maximum nutrition in order to protect itself.
One of the best ways to do that is through a superior source of iodine, which can be found in many sea vegetables, but most notably kelp. Properly restoring the thyroid’s iodine levels will improve its function and help protect it against radiation and other thyroid compromising agents.
Medicinal mushrooms
Anxiety and stress are symptoms that have become dangerously prevalent today. Whether it is the job, home life, or other external factors, the focus seems to be on the negative and this has taken a serious toll.
A nice way to help relieve that anxiety through nutrition is medicinal mushrooms. They are highly adaptogenic, which improves the ability to cope, which in turn helps alleviate stress. Not only that, but they are excellent for cleansing the liver which has been burdened through toxic overload, both physically and mentally (such as anger).
Get some excellent and convenient ways to consume medicinal mushrooms, here.
Heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiency are tag teaming to put the smack down on many people’s health. One or the other is bad enough, but when the two are combined serious health problems will quickly ensue.
Fortunately, chlorella is a great source of minerals and binds to heavy metals like mercury, lead, nickel, and aluminum to help remove them from the body. The process of removing heavy metals and re-mineralizing the body takes time, so consider chlorella a long-term staple in the diet.
Get the Health Ranger’s Clean Chlorella.
There is no doubt about it – people’s hormones are out of control. Xenoestrogens, hormone disrupting foods, and a fast paced lifestyle are mostly to blame, which is leaving people tired, overweight, sleep deprived, and emotionally unbalanced.
Maca has been known as the “endocrine adaptogen”, as it does not contain hormones but the nutrients necessary to support proper hormonal function. It has been known to improve libido and fertility, menstrual and menopausal conditions, and adrenal function.
Try the Health Ranger’s Organic Maca RootHemp
With immune system function becoming dangerously low and a dangerous trend of unbalanced fat intake (some estimates at 50:1, Omega 6 to 3), the body has become riddled with all kinds of disease, most notably cancer.
Enter hemp, an immune system fortifier with a beneficial 3:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s, which helps reduce immune related diseases like cancer and builds up the storehouse of beneficial fats to help reduce cognitive related disorders.
Try the Health Ranger’s Organic Hemp ProteinSources for this article include: