If you listen to the doctors and medical mob you’d think that the reasons most people get sick is genetics, germs, and bad luck. In reality, most sickness is caused by none of these things, and are a cover up to the REAL things that are mutilating our health.

If your genes are faulty, they had to become compromised somewhere in the family tree. So who did it start with, and why? The body doesn’t create faulty genes on its own…they have to be degraded by something outside itself that was introduced to the inside of the body, most likely via the mouth, nose, skin, or other orifice. But we don’t hear about what toxicity caused the warped genetics…we just hear, you have bad genetics, AKA bad luck, and you can’t do anything about it, which is a categorical lie as we know now through the study of epigenetics.

So what are the main things are warping our health that eventually leads to many types of chronic disease? Hint, it’s not what they tell you.

1. Childhood vaccinations: With toxic adjuncts like aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, and MSG, those who have had their childhood injections are immediately set up for a slow but steady deterioration of whatever organs, glands, tissues, or bones these toxic adjuncts settle in. They can be detoxed, but most don’t soon enough or well enough to change their health outcome.

2. GMO baby formula: Due to a trend away from breastfeeding, baby formula became increasingly popular and the food industry was allowed to create a synthetic version of mothers milk by using cows milk and adding genetically modified ingredients like corn syrup and soybean oil, along with toxic anti-caking ingredients like cupric sulfate which is a chemical compound with many applications, including as a fungicide and herbicide. And apparently it’s safe for newborn babies.

3. Metal dental fillings: Often between the ages of 6 and 12, dentists have used mercury amalgams to fill cavities in the teeth. One of the most neurologically damaging toxins on this planet, and our respected health authorities agreed to putting it into the oral cavity of kids? This metal has caused numerous chronic health issues, but it’s never implicated in disease by the system of white coats.

4. Heavily processed non-organic foods: Using glyphosate filled grains and grinding them into dust, combining them with GMO sugar and toxic seed oils, and adding in a toxic preservative is about par for the course for most processed foods these days. What little nutrition is left is over shadowed by the toxic combination that has led to a diabetes epidemic.

5. Fluoridated water: Used to lower thyroid function and to contaminate the pineal gland, fluoride has been a mainstay in the public water systems for decades. They told us it helped create strong bones, but ironically, all it does is raise the odds of ADHD, dyslexia, memory impairment, and more.

6. Plastics: The amount of plastic ingested in the body can be equal to eating as many 12 shopping bags annually, according to the EWG. These plastics, found in plastic cutting boards, food packaging, beverage bottles, seafood, meat, and plastic cups and take out containers, wreak havoc with your hormones and can create significant health issues over time.

7. Flu shots: Once you become an adult, the system has to think of another way for you to regularly inject toxins, and what better way than to scare them with the threat of the “flu”, and deliver a metal laced injection for a nice little dose of mercury to fire up more deterioration of your organs, glands, and tissues. Dementia continues to be a problem, but they chalk it up to “old age”.

8. Toxic personal care products: Want to freshen up a little? How about some toxic fragrances, hormone disrupting parabens, lymph clogging aluminum, brain draining fluoride, and some skin irritating propylene glycol to go with your soaps, shampoos, deodorant, toothpaste, and skin care products? Here’s something to remember, your skin is porous and can absorb toxic chemicals directly into your bloodstream. No more cancer causing baby powder for you.

9. Non-native EMFs: The chaotic non-native frequencies coming off your cellphone, TV, computer, Wifi router, cable box, and much more, were once labelled a class B carcinogen by the EPA. The “static” created by these frequencies can glitch brain activity, drive metals further into the body, activate underlying biological infections like parasites, and facilitate autoimmune and other conditions.

10. Environmental pollution: Last but not least, the excessive amount of agricultural chemicals, industrial waste, and car exhaust is enough to complicate lung function, but adding in barium and aluminum being sprayed from planes for the purpose of weather modification was the final smack down on our lung capacity. Unfortunately, combining this and radiation from non-native EMFs, and you have a perfect storm to create an illness that the medical mafia can label whatever they want and blame it on “germs”, for which they have the answer, which is, you guessed it, more toxic medicine.

So there you have it. They say its germs and genetics, but in reality, it’s their toxic medical procedures, frankenfood, packaging, frequencies, and chemicals that are doing the job. This if course leads to prescriptions to block (not solve) the symptoms their systems created, which adds fuel to the disease process and can be considered #11 and the final nail in the coffin of the human body.

Is it time to abandon their system yet? I did it a long time ago, and you can too. Check out my services in the THRIVE Academy.

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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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