Cha-cha-cha-cha-chia! If you recall that jingle, you may remember that chia was fondly used a couple decades ago as a way to grow a pet. However, it is now more well known as an ancient superfood that provides remarkable results. Let’s look into the healing benefits of chia seeds, the superfood, and ditch the pet decoration.

Nutritional profile of chia seeds

Chia is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, and is native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. It is an annual herb growing up to 3 feet tall, and is harvested commercially for its nutritious seeds.

Chia seeds were revered by two of the most powerful tribes: the Aztecs and Mayans. These tribes considered chia to be more valuable than gold. The Aztecs would traditionally consume chia for extra energy and stamina before going into battle or before a big hunt.

Chia is easy to grow as it survives in very temperate environments and is quite self-sustaining. It is hardly bothered by insects and grows very efficiently. An individual could survive quite well on chia alone due to the rich blend of nutrients it provides.

So what has everyone so excited about chia seeds? Check out this nutritional profile:

  • Good source of vitamin A, B, E, and D

  • High quality source of manganese, phosphorus, iron, and calcium

  • Good source of zinc, copper, and potassium

    • An excellent source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids

    • 21% complete protein

    • An excellent source of fibre, with 42% of the RDA in a 100 gram serving

      • Good source of pre-biotics (food for beneficial probiotics to grow and flourish)

      • Powerful antioxidant (3x more than equal serving of blueberries)

      Since chia is an excellent source of beneficial fats, protein, and fibre, it has many healing benefits associated with it.

      Healing action of chia seeds

      Unlike flax seeds, chia does not need to be ground in order to unlock the nutritional benefits. However, the healing benefits improve when they are soaked, as they become a beneficial “scourer” of the intestinal tract without robbing it of precious fluid (chia seeds can soak up up to 12x its weight in water).

      So what kind of healing benefits can you expect from consuming chia seeds on a consistent basis?

      • Helps balance blood sugar

      • Assists with weight loss

      • Helps prevent diverticulitis

        • Helps improve and protect cardiovascular health

        • Improves energy and endurance

        • Helps prevent free radical damage

          • Improves digestive system function

          • Helps improve mental function

          With benefits like these, it makes sense to consider chia seeds as a daily part of your diet!

          Try the Health Ranger’s Organic Chia

          How to use chia seeds in your diet

          If you decide to use chia seeds as part of your daily regimen, consider consuming it ground or soaked for the most benefits. There are many fun ways to incorporate chia into your diet, including adding it to the following:

          • Soups

          • Beverages (kefir and kombucha)

          • No grain cereals

            • Smoothies

            • Baked goods

            • Salads

            • Yogurt

            If you want an easy way to start, make this delicious chia seed pudding!


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            Derek Henry

            Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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