Feeling sluggish, foggy, anxious, and unable to lose weight? Chances are, there are a few things going wrong in your body, one of them being a compromised thyroid gland.

Unfortunately, over our lifetimes we have unwittingly assaulted our thyroid, and continue to do the same today. This makes recovery from a thyroid issue nearly impossible, and to top it off most people are put on prescriptions that do very little to address the problem, and only make matters worse.

If you want any hope to get over the symptoms related to a thyroid disorder, you must consider the following 6 factors that can destroy thyroid health.


Fluoride was universally placed in water supplies and dental cleaning products to help prevent tooth decay. However, what few people know is that fluoride has also been prescribed as a drug to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. Up through the 1950’s, doctors in Europe and South America prescribed fluoride to lower function in patients with over active thyroids (hyperthyroidism).

Doctors selected fluoride as a thyroid suppressant based on studies linking thyroid to goitre, and as expected, fluoride therapy did reduce thyroid activity in treated patients. According to clinical research the amount required was very low – just 2 to 5 mg per day for several months. This is well within the range individuals are expected to receive in fluoridated communities on a regular basis (1.6 to 6.6 mg/day).

Choose spring water or a water filtration device and the fluoride reduction elements to dramatically lower it.

Get the Big Berkey Water Filtration System


Since the radioactive fall out of Fukushima, millions of people have been “sucking up” radioactive iodine into their iodine deficient thyroid glands, causing destruction of this precious gland.

In addition to that, and more concerning across the board, is electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) which are being blasted into our environment through power lines, cell phone towers, satellite TV, cell phones, TV’s, computers, airplanes, vehicles, and more.

Low levels of EMF’s can slow thyroid function, and a study in the Journal of Experimental Biology shows that EMF exposure impacts both the structure and function of the thyroid. As an example, animals exposed to cell phone radiation produce lower levels of thyroid hormone, a precursor to hypothyroidism.

The good news is you can earth yourself, and get protective cases for your cell phone to avoid the damage.


Get SafeSleeve for Anti-Radiation Cell Cases


SUPERHERO FILES: Derek helped me heal my VERY serious autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism. After 4 days in the THRIVE Academy I already noticed my symptoms were reducing. After 8 weeks, he had me off 4 of 5 medications and my symptoms were diminished by about 70%. I lost 25 pounds (which put me at a near ideal weight), 5 inches, 4 pant sizes, increased my oxygenation, increased my height (less stiffness, which straightened me up), increased my mobility, increased my range of motion, and I now have increased energy, better mood, better clarity. What I love is that he takes what can be a very complicated and frustrating subject (health and wellness) and simplifies it so that anyone can understand and take appropriate action. Thanks Derek! – Myrtle E.


In auto-immune thyroid disease (AITD) individuals (90% of hypothyroidism diagnosed patients have an autoimmune disease), there has been a strong link with gluten intolerance. Apparently, the protein portion of gluten (gliadin) closely resembles that of the thyroid gland. When this protein breaches the protective barrier of the gut and enters the bloodstream, the immune system identifies it for destruction. These antibodies also cause the body to attack thyroid tissue, so if you have AITD and you eat foods containing gluten, your immune system will attack your thyroid.

Even worse, this immune response can last up to 6 months every time you eat it, which means it becomes critical to avoid gluten at all costs if you have AITD. This means complete, NOT partial, removal of this protein from your diet.

Learn more about how the THRIVE Academy can help you HEAL yourself!

Heavy Metals

There are many heavy metals we have been forced to deal with, and that includes mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and lead. There has been a strong association between high levels of toxic metals and the autoimmune thyroid diseases Hashimoto’s and Graves Disease, due to evidence that mercury accumulates in the thyroid gland.

Therefore, if you have autoimmune thyroid disease, it is quite probable you have higher levels of mercury in your body than the average person.

Common exposure points for mercury accumulation includes seafood, dental amalgams (metal fillings), environmental pollution, and vaccines (the flu shot being the biggest offender). To help remove heavy metals, consider chlorella, which binds to them and assists in removal from the body.


A common endocrine disruptor, bromide competes for the same receptors that are used in the thyroid gland to capture iodine. This inhibits thyroid hormone production and results in a low thyroid state. Also, when you absorb bromine it displaces iodine, and this can lead to iodine deficiencies in the thyroid gland that can lead to hypothyroidism.

Bromine can be found in pesticides, soft drinks, plastics, medications, fire retardants, and baked goods and flours.


Due to the intimacy of the relationship between the adrenals and thyroid, when the adrenals become depleted due to inability to manage stress, the thyroid is ultimately affected. Those of us who are always under chronic stress can expect increased adrenaline and cortisol levels, and elevated cortisol levels have a negative impact on thyroid function.

A good way to reduce stress is through adaptogenic herbs like medicinal mushrooms, essential oils, magnesium baths, meditation, and gratitude exercises.

Of course, there are also a number of other factors that affect the thyroid, most notably chemicals in body care and household products, medications, unfermented soy, and iodine deficiencies.


SUPERHERO FILES: I developed extreme hand eczema about 4 months after the birth of my son. While trying to find a remedy, a Naturopath determined that I had also developed Graves’ disease. A form of hyperthyroidism. A friend referred me to Derek Henry and his THRIVE Academy Boy, I thought I had a good handle on healthy living until I received Derek’s remarkable research. Three weeks into the program, my hair loss (symptom from thyroid disease) reduced substantially, my hands were showing massive improvement and my sugar cravings significantly decreased. I continued to implement many of the THRIVE approved foods and supplements in my daily diet. In doing so, my thyroid levels have normalized, my hands are 99% better and my energy levels are amazing. Even after hours a night wakings with a toddler! Thanks Derek! – Erin F.


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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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