With the industrial revolution, came the development of large cities and a general move away from our agrarian roots. This has come at a huge cost for our health as it distances us from the healing frequencies of the land and nature, and exposes us to the toxic chemicals and energies of industrialization and technology.
However, it isn’t to late to hook up to nature again, and if you focus on these elements of it, you can use it to further enhance your health.
Fresh Air
The benefits of fresh air can’t be ignored. Negative ions, found in the highest density outdoors near moving waters such as beaches and waterfalls, are said to enhance mood and fight depression by positively effecting serotonin levels, while simultaneously reducing stress, and boosting energy.
They also increase melatonin promoting quality restorative sleep. These “odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules” are nature’s creation caused by the breakdown in air molecules by sunlight and moving water and air. These beneficial ions have further healing effects as they help to diffuse the negative repercussions of positive ions generated by artificial air (AC), computer monitors, wifi, and electrical currents of all types, which negatively affect the body.
These magical healing ions are also present in nearby forests, distant countrysides, or mountain regions, and in lower quantities even in your backyard or garden, especially if bountiful with plant life.
Regardless of what your current location is, you can increase the plant life in your vicinity to create a fresher air supply. If you are fortunate enough to be close to the great outdoors, make it a habit to indulge as much as possible.
The Earth has a resonant and healing frequency for our bodies, but we have largely insulated ourselves from it through shoes with rubber or plastic soles. This is exacerbated by constant exposure to non-native EMFs, with some of the worst spots being in or around airports, airplanes, high rises, vehicles, and computer banks.
For these reasons alone, grounding becomes an important practice of creating a direct connection to the Earth to diffuse positive ions and EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) that are disruptive to the body.
The most effective way to get grounded is to get your bare feet in the grass (slightly wet is best), dirt, sand or salt water for 20-30 minutes a day (gardening with bare hands will also provide a connection). If you live close to water, walking in close vicinity to it will improve the experience. If these are not reasonable options for you, then consider grounding technology like earthing sheets, mats, car seat covers and sandals which will essentially do the same thing.
Keep in mind that concrete is a good conductor as well, as long as it is not sealed or painted, but materials like asphalt and wood will not allow electrons to pass through so are not suitable for grounding (which makes barefoot travel in the house typically useless).
Sunshine/Vitamin D
Even though vitamin D is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, it is actually a neuro-regulatory hormone. This may explain why people experience mood swings, depression, and irritability when they are low on vitamin D exposure, such as the winter months or other areas which experience much less sunlight.
These days, most people are severely deficient in vitamin D. Symptoms of low vitamin D levels includes depression, autoimmune disease, skin disease, gum disease, poor sleep, digestive problems, fatigue, and high blood pressure. If you have your levels checked, most functional doctors agree that 60 – 120 ng/l is the optimal range.
To maximize the absorption and storage of vitamin D, (it can be stored for up to three months) get in the sun and allow it to penetrate the skin for 15 to 30 minutes in peak hours of the day (the further north, and the darker the skin, the longer the exposure required), of at least the arms and legs. Vitamin D is NOT absorbed through glass, so get directly into the sun outdoors.
Proper sun exposure means NO sunscreen before going out as it will block vitamin D uptake altogether. You can be in the sun until your skin starts to turn slightly pink, then get some shade or put on a non-toxic botanical sunblock.
All in all, sunshine is the great equalizer for your health, when used properly. It’s a phenomenal sanitizer against pathogenic microbes, mood lifter, DNA up-regulator, and provider of life. Without the sun, life on this planet would cease to exist. So when the opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to bask in it’s rays as much as possible, keeping in mind to stay well hydrated and to retreat when your skin tells you it’s had enough.
The simple act of raising plants in a garden, and physically connecting with the surface of the earth, is extremely therapeutic and could provide that connection with which we have so woefully lost when we sequestered ourselves from our agrarian roots.
Not only that, but learning how to grow our own food is a natural immersion into the energy that provides abundance for everyone and everything living on this planet. Cultivating, planting, raising, and harvesting these fruits of our labour reminds us of the connection we have to nature and how fortunate we are to be able to actively participate in our well-being in such a humbling and profound way.
Whether it is a few containers with herbs, or a small plot out back, growing your own food is a fundamental aspect of a healthy lifestyle, and an act of sustainability for the future of our food systems.
If you start to consistently incorporate these 4 factors into your life, your health will immeasurably improve. The best part? They’re all inexpensive and even free for the taking.