In any great human endeavour, a consistent and disciplined effort is required to achieve better results. Putting in the work everyday, making it a habit, and refining your knowledge and skills will ultimately make you a better version of whatever it is you are trying to emulate. Your health is no different.

But what happens if you don’t want to put in that effort consistently, and you’d rather be a spectator? What if you’d rather be couch surfing, eating potato chips, and watching American Idol than going for a hike, eating kale chips, and watching the sunset?

Well, in that scenario you will need to rely on will power to make any progress in your health, a characteristic that 99.99% of people will never be able to execute consistently for long enough to ever really garner serious results. This is why there are so many 10 day juicing protocols, weight loss shakes, detox kits, patches, medications, and other quick fix solutions to your health problems. The industry knows that most don’t have enough discipline to do anything more. They know you don’t really want to change your entire lifestyle, and your lack of short lived will power will make the short term and easy solutions look as appetizing as that ice cream after a long day at the beach.

The only way to make these marketing gimmicks, toxic products, and roller coaster results go away, is to develop a different kind of power. One that is anchored into something more sustaining than your fleeting desire to look good in that wedding dress. One that if done properly, will always be there when you need it, and will rarely feel like a chore.

That special power, is WHY power.

While will power relies on the fickle ego, which can change it’s mind in any instant for immediate gratification of the next shiny thing, WHY power relies on your raison d’être (why you’re here), your true self, your spirit, your responsibility to yourself and to the others that rely on you. WHY power is anchored in your heart strings, a burning passion, and a life long commitment to do the thing that will bring you the most joy and happiness throughout your life.

So when see the rare person who accomplishes a heroic feat whether it is reaching the podium at the Olympics, taking a walk every day, meditating consistently, or making fresh pressed juice daily, you can be sure that they are very strong on their WHY power and left the will power to those that don’t know what they want out of their life.

Common WHY’s are just to feel better daily, to be a highly functional spouse, parent, co-worker, or business partner, or to simply want to live the best life in your current body, knowing that it is so much sweeter when you body, mind, and spirit are vibrating at optimal levels.

If you don’t know what your WHY is yet, you’ll need to focus on will power, which will be a daily battle and will typically result in multiple failures. Mostly because you won’t be one of the .01% to be able to do it consistently enough to stay well, but also because a life without a WHY is lack lustre in comparison to living a dream, no matter how big it is deemed by the masses.

So which works better when it comes to your health? As anyone who has achieved true health can tell you, especially in the face of a daunting health situation, consistency in doing the right things is what will have the ultimate value to your health. This daily discipline won’t come from will power, which is a fair-weather friend. Rather, it will come from your burning desire, your purpose, your heart, your WHY power.

And this is why you need to ponder the reason you want to be healthy, so you can tap into the unwavering support of a soul filled with desire, to achieve a life of rock solid health and happiness (which inevitably go together).

I know you can do it, and WHY it will lead to something greater than you’ve ver imagined. And if you need any help, through specific lifestyle guidance, nutrition, mindset, and daily support, the THRIVE Academy is undoubtedly the ultimate solution to living the life you so strongly desire.

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Derek Henry

Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he now educates, coaches, and inspires others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach. Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.

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