There are plenty of signs to give you an indication of where your health is at currently. Here are 14 ways you can check your health manually.

1. The color of your urine – if you’re getting enough water, your urine will be clear. Urine that’s constantly yellow indicates de-hydration and increased toxic load. The answer is to drink more water in-between meals.

2. Coffee addiction – a lack of energy is often masked by coffee addiction. Take a day off coffee and meet the real you. Malnutrition and a lack of proper relaxation causes fatigue that leads to caffeine and other stimulant addictions. Don’t hide from the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle by using addictive chemical stimulants. It will only hit you harder later. Coffee addicts often state that they, “only drink one per day”, like 400 coffees per year won’t affect them. Unfortunately coffee is a destroyer of health and like all drugs, the only way to find out how much the drug is destroying you, is to quit the habit.

3. Amount of daily fecal discharge (pooping) – you’re supposed to move 12 inches of fecal material daily. This can be with one bathroom visit but moving your bowels after each meal is optimal. If you’re not moving 12 inches of fecal material per day, the toxins in the body will be high and disease will be coming to visit. The answer is less stress and more whole live organic foods.

4. Headaches – having one headache ever week or once every 2 weeks indicates a high level of intestinal distress from either toxins, unhealthy gut flora, excessive stress, alcohol consumption, food allergies, dehydration etc. Headaches mean you need to clean up your lifestyle and reconnect with the message your body is sending. Most headaches start in the intestines. Headaches mean you’re using your mouth as a garbage disposal unit.

5. Skin rashes or red skin blotches – when the body can’t move poisons out through the bowels or the bladder, it uses the skin next. These toxins often turn the skin red and when a hot day comes around, more of these toxins move out to the skin from sweat. The answer is greater dedication to a healthy lifestyle.

6. Acne – acne again is a sign the body is in toxic shock, moving the excessive poisonous load out through the skin. An unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits are often the culprits. The answer is empowering yourself to lead a healthier lifestyle and not relying on your doctor to drug the body, so it stops telling you what you really need to do. Disease is a guardian, not a goblin. Listen to the message.

7. Common colds and a stuffed up nose – a weakened immune system will succumb to a cold a 1-2 times per year. A truly healthy immune system can go years, if not a decade without catching a cold or runny nose. Catching a common cold, sore throat, running nose etc means your tissues aren’t strong enough (with nutrition) to keep foreign invaders out. Eat a healthier diet to make your internal tissues strong enough to keep disease outside of yourself.

8. Bleeding gums – if someone’s gums bleed after flossing or brushing, it’s a sure sign of nutritional deficiency leading to poor cellular integrity. The answer is dedicating full time to a life of self love, self respect and self care.

9. Cavities – studies of ancient societies, by Dr. Weston A Price concluded that the average cavity count, in societies that were healthy, were 1 cavity per person. The higher the cavity count, the greater the self abusive habits and the lower the standards of self care. The health of the body can be determined by the health in the mouth. Think about cavities as symptoms that you don’t care enough about yourself and make a change.

10. Joint pain – a toxic body will always be in chronic pain, especially in the joints when the sun goes down. If your joint pain flares up in the early evening, it’s a sign the body is cleaning the toxins out of the joints and expanding them with inflammation to get the job done. Painkillers not only increase toxicity in the body, they lead to other secondary diseases. The answer is health and dealing with reality. Don’t pollute yourself to fit into the herd. Move away from the herd and enjoy the freedom of healthy living.

11. Hunger cravings – hunger shouldn’t come on fast and it should not lead to fatigue and aggressive changes in mood. If someone is experiencing extreme hunger cravings, they’re most likely consuming excessive carbohydrates and will need to consume higher quality whole organic foods and healthy fats to maintain more stable blood sugar levels.

12. Cellulite, weight gain and water retention – all three of these items occur when the body is toxic and no amount of exercise will be able to control the negative effects of an unhealthy diet. A toxic body stores toxins in fat cells and increases water retention, in an attempt to decrease overall toxic load. If you poison yourself, a bigger you is a safer you. That’s how the body protects you from the poison. People today aren’t “fat”, they’re toxic. The simple answer is to build health daily, using the rule of baby steps and take control of your destiny.

13. Accidents – when a person is toxic or experiencing excessive amounts of stress, a deactivation of the higher brain functions can occur. This can lead to an increase in falls, car accidents and general acts that lack coordination of one’s body. As a health coach, I know when a person has eaten poorly because they’re extremely uncoordinated in their movements. This is a sign of poisoning and even brain damage from the toxic foods our culture has passionate love affairs with. A lack of connection to one’s surroundings and environmental stimuli is just another sign that the body is either malnourished or experiencing some sort of excessive stress load. The solution is simple. Adult up. Unslave. Stop working a job you don’t like, to sedate yourself with poison at night or on the weekend, so you can forget about the life that you don’t really want to be living. Get healthy, reject the poison, discover who you are, move away from the dysfunctional here and live your best life.

14. Fatigue – fatigue means the body is in a state of imbalance regarding rest, work and nutrition. Fatigue just means a lack of self care and self maintenance is occurring. This is common inside a society built upon placing all priorities above the maintenance of self.

To remedy any item on the above list, one only need to start working with nature and stop working against it. Get poisons out of the lifestyle and couple that with bringing clean, whole organic food into the body. Clean water, exercise, rest, relaxation and healthy food are the pillars of self care that will address any disease or imbalance listed above.

Don’t react to disease. Build your health. Save the world by saving yourself.

Jason Christoff

Jason Christoff has developed a world wide reputation as a self sabotage coach who makes complex issues easy to understand for his clients. Jason discovered very early in his career, after managing one of Canada’s most successful weight loss clinics, that health and self sabotage were inherently connected. Jason is interviewed across the world every month, appearing on various podcasts and radio shows, regarding his highly effective methods for overcoming self sabotage, losing weight and how to rise up to your full potential.

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