Welcome to the
THRIVE Academy!
(start with the video below!)

Helping YOU fix digestive, autoimmune, and other chronic health concerns, through do-it-yourself and premium one-on-one coaching programs.




I have been living with and trying to manage symptoms from Crohn’s Disease for nearly three decades now and I am only 37 years old. Over the last 5-10 years issues with adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, low energy and many more symptoms have also come into play. I had been on various immunosuppressants drugs, as well as various steroids for the better part of my life. I had tried several different roads to health such as naturopaths, “healthy eating” etc. I had mild successes, however my normal day to day still involved a lot of pain, discomfort, and highs and lows. I was skeptical at first that Derek would be able provide me with any information that was different than what I had heard from my naturopath. I was wrong. The THRIVE Academy, changed my life. Within weeks I noticed changes in the way I was feeling and how my body was reacting. My new “normal” is light years better than how I felt before. I am off all medications at this point and am confident that my body will continue to only improve. Thanks Derek!

Erin O., Moncton, NB



I developed extreme hand eczema about 4 months after the birth of my son. While trying to find a remedy, a Naturopath determined that I had also developed Graves’ disease, a form of hyperthyroidism. A friend referred me to Derek Henry and his THRIVE Academy. Boy, I thought I had a good handle on healthy living until I received Derek’s remarkable research. Three weeks into the program, my hair loss (symptom from thyroid disease) reduced substantially, my hands were showing massive improvement and my sugar cravings significantly decreased. This is impressive coming from a refined sugar addict! I continued to implement many of the THRIVE approved foods and supplements in my daily diet. In doing so, my thyroid levels have normalized, my hands are 99% better and my energy levels are amazing. Even after hours a night wakings with a toddler! Thanks Derek!

Erin F., Kelowna, BC



Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

I was diagnosed with IBS at a younger age and always had issues with digestion but I ate “healthy” (or so I thought). The first thing I noticed when I started the THRIVE Academy was the weight started to fall off, and one day I noticed my energy was coming back. I wasn’t as tired and I wasn’t having my mid day crashes at work anymore. By the end of the first month, I have my first round of PMS, which is usually a battle but not that month or anything since then! I was able to get through an entire menstrual cycle without the use of any pain meds, and it had some regularity to it, which was completely abnormal for me. My bloating has gone away and my IBS symptoms have begun to slowly improve. I sleep better at night and have lost about 12 lbs, and what I really love is that my kids are following some of the same protocol! Thanks Derek for all that you have done for me!

Michelle B., Regina, SK




Derek helped me heal my VERY serious autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism. After 4 days in the THRIVE Academy I already noticed my symptoms were reducing. After 8 weeks, he had me off 4 of 5 medications and my symptoms were diminished by about 70%. I lost 25 pounds (which put me at a near ideal weight), 5 inches, 4 pant sizes, increased my oxygenation, increased my height (less stiffness, which straightened me up), increased my mobility, increased my range of motion, and I now have increased energy, better mood, better clarity. What I love is that he takes what can be a very complicated and frustrating subject (health and wellness) and simplifies it so that anyone can understand and take appropriate action. Thanks Derek!

Myrtle E., Calgary, AB




After years of struggling with debilitating GI issues, I was finally diagnosed with collagenous colitis 2 years ago.  Giving my symptoms a name did not improve my life, nor did the prescription steroids and medications help the diarrhea, GI pain and constant exhaustion.  I travel a lot for my job and I was considering an early retirement because I was unable to function. Thankfully, my daughter introduced me to Derek and his THRIVE Academy. With his extensive and practical knowledge, he systematically dealt with each issue I was experiencing through education, diet, detoxification and supplementation.  Today I am much healthier and my life is not dictated by my illness.  I now have normal bowel movements, very little GI pain, increased energy, much clearer skin, increased ability to focus (constant brain fog is gone), decreased urgency to urinate (bladder infection gone), and no headaches! Derek’s guidance and THRIVE plan was a game changer for me and will be knowledge I will have for the rest of my life.  If poor health is ruining your life, do not suffer another day!  Derek can help you.

Tanya J., Olympia, WA




Ever had that burning feeling in your throat or have you ever experienced sharp shooting pain and cramps? Or have you ever had so much built up gas in your stomach that you were throwing up from the pressure? This was me with SIBO. I had tried several different paths seeking healing, and while some things brought temporary relief, all things eventually lost their winning position and I would start over feeling more and more hopeless with each new “this could be it!” possibility. Since being a part of the THRIVE Academy EVERY single change I’ve made has greatly impacted my health physically, emotionally, and mentally. Thanks to Derek's SIBO protocol and guidance, I have energy, a LACK of stomach pain, and I am HEALTHY. THRIVE has changed my life and I am so grateful!

Hannah B., Eau Claire, WI




When I started the THRIVE Academy, I had excruciating pain in my thumbs and wrists and some of my fingers. I went to my family doctor, and he put me on naproxin for the pain. Shortly after, my left leg and knee doubled in size. I saw a specialist and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune condition). I was put on prescription medications and my hair began to fall out at an alarming rate. After a few drug changes and still no real results, I reached out to Derek Henry to try his THRIVE Program. I have to say that was the BEST thing I have ever done!! Two weeks into the program my knee was down to normal size. Approximately three to four weeks I was off blood pressure medication and the arthritis meds were reduced! Two months ago I became medication free! If you have any health issues, Derek is your man. Thanks so much Derek. Your program is amazing!!

Darlene A., Indian Head, SK




I came to Derek looking for an answer for my daughter, Kylie’s, health. As a toddler, Kylie was diagnosed with asthma, allergies, and eczema. She had a lot of difficulties around eating certain foods, being around animals, and having breathing attacks. It only got worse as she aged. Around age 12, we would get phone calls from her school asking us to come get her because her breathing wasn’t good enough to be in school. At times, they even called 911 to have EMS come out to help her with her airflow. We spent countless nights up awake using the nebulizer because she couldn’t breathe. Her dad and I eventually switched her to a naturopathic pediatrician and from there did everything we could think of to help her. She saw many holistic specialists and removed most everything from her diet. We were doing blood tests, allergy scratches, sublingual drops, and steroid inhalers. Eventually, we talked about Derek’s THRIVE Academy and she decided to go all in. She dedicated herself to being diligent with the protocols and to have an open mind and heart to Derek’s teachings. Within a couple of weeks, she noticed huge improvements. Walking up the stairs at school was no longer an issue, she noticed in choir that her voice was stronger and even an octave higher, and she began to sleep better at night. I’ve even had her run with me recently with no issues at all with her breathing! We’ve started adding foods back into her diet (that she previously tested an allergy for) with no issues at all. This is just the beginning of the benefits she’s seen. I’ve also noticed significant changes in her general sense of well-being and happiness! I couldn’t be more grateful to Derek for what he has supported us through and to Kylie for her dedication to living her life on her terms. I’m so happy to see her THRIVING!

Jacqueline and Kylie, Eau Claire, WI



When I started the THRIVE Academy, I weighed 240 lbs.  After 8 short weeks weeks I had lost 36 lbs, and all this extra weight came off by simply eating right, not necessarily by any heavy workouts. I had headaches, digestive issues, irregular bowel movements before the program. All of the above symptoms are now gone. I feel light, refreshed, don’t have the cravings I had before and enjoy what I am eating for each meal. What is more important, I have the knowledge to NEVER go back to my old lifestyle and for that, thank you!

Andranik P., Pasadena, CA




We are finishing our 5th week of THRIVE, and every goal for healing has been achieved! My wife’s fatigue, Sjogren’s, and AMPS (amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome) symptoms are gone. My daughter’s allergies, rashes, and asthma are gone. My acid reflux and snoring are gone, and I lost 19 lbs! We all have so much energy, and are getting neglected farm projects done! We’ve also completely come off all kinds of medications, including estradiol, progesterone, acetazolamid, amitriptyline, Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl, nasal sprays, decongestants, Pepcid, Zantac, and Ibuprofen. Praise God and thank you Derek! We have learned a new way to live as a family!

Kirk L. and Family, Missouri




My days started with a tired body, with headaches kicking in shortly, pains in my stomach, bloating, mood swings, anxiety, no desire to do anything but lay my head down and rest. Needless to name all the various tests that were done in order to determine the cause of my “illness”, however, other than being told to rest and a course of antibiotics, nothing else was done by my physicians in order to help me. Then I started having even more and worse symptoms (abnormal bowel movements, fatigue, severe headaches, digestive issues, mood swings), and I decided that I am going to take the matter in my own hands and work on my health instead of going from one doctor to another. After 8 weeks in the THRIVE Program I have no more abnormal bowel movements, a lot less mood swings, less headaches, no digestive issues, no more cravings for starchy or sugary foods, more clarity and lots of hope!!! On top of this, I have also lost 16 pounds and am now at my ideal weight. Thank you, Derek!

Irina T., Pasadena, CA




Over the last 10+ years I have consulted with and spent thousands of dollars on doctors and specialist seeking help with numerous health issues such as weight gain and weight loss resistance, digestive issues, GERD, acid reflux, heartburn, pancreatitis, rosacea, skin itching, fatigue, migraines and all over body pain among other issues. I never received help that resulted in any level of healing. After a short period of time on the THRIVE Program, my heartburn, acid reflux and GERD were all gone and I was able to eliminate the 4 daily medications I was taking for the issue. Not long after that, my rosacea cleared up and now I have clear, normal skin. Derek has also been able to help me significantly reduce pancreas attacks, and has given me natural protocols to over come UTI's, migraines, and oral health issues. I am so grateful for the many positive results I’ve experienced so far. Thanks Derek!

Jadine K., Jacksonville, TN




Derek Henry is the real deal! He just helped me take my PSA numbers from 10.6 to 0.6 in about 6 weeks! Believe me 2 months ago I hardly even knew was a prostate was, let alone high “PSA”! Its amazing how your body can heal with the right nutrition and proper guidance. If you have any type of health issues, Derek is your man!

Joe L., Carlsbad, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the Thrive-Level Experience and Products?

Are there any other purchases required?

What type of diet needs to be followed?

I have food allergies. Are these addressed?

Will I get any personal time with a health mentor?

Will being on medications be a problem?

How do I contact you to if I need to learn more?

What's your refund policy?

Is it time to feel good again?

© 2020 Healing the Body. All rights reserved.

* Any testimonials displayed on Healing the Body or it’s affiliated sites, are provided to us from real people and their personal experiences using our programs. These testimonials are not to suggest that you, or anyone you know, can achieve the same results using our programs. These results are generated from newly acquired knowledge, taking action on the nutritional and lifestyle protocols, and using any available support systems that may be offered. Ultimately, your level of results will be determined by these and many other factors, so we can’t guarantee you’ll have the same success.