(D. Samuelson) Many folks are well aware of the toxic ingredients in the long list of physician prescribed chemically concocted pharmaceuticals, along with the serious and sometimes deadly side effects that can occur while taking them. Yet millions don’t think twice about grabbing bright shiny packages of commonly used pills or liquids on the shelves of grocery and drugstores stores throughout America. These over the counter medications, however, carry their own significant risks. Naturalblaze.com shares five over the counter medicines that are so dangerous, you should avoid them completely.

1. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen, which is the primary component of Advil or Motrin, is a commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat or alleviate fever, inflammation and pain. But ibuprofen is far from harmless. Bangor Daily News reports that ibuprofen has caused “16,000 deaths per year and sent 100,000 people to the emergency room in the U.S.,” due to ulcers, stomach bleeding and serious heart problems. A nine year study of 29,000 individuals from Denmark showed that those taking ibuprofen had a 31 percent higher risk of heart attacks.

For a natural anti-inflammatory that works very well, with no side effects, look into astaxanthin.

2. Benedryl

Benedryl is an anticholinergic drug for allergies and colds. It contains acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is important in “learning and memory formation,” says Study.com. The use of benedryl can impair cognition, according to research compiled by the University of Washington School of Pharmacy. They monitored 3500 seniors for 10 years who regularly took anticholinergic drugs and discovered they had “a 54 percent higher risk of developing dementia.”

3. Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen is taken world wide as a pain reliever and often utilized for chronic conditions over extended periods of time. It has been linked to kidney, heart, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems. More recent studies suggest acetaminophen can also reduce empathy and “dull the brain’s response to new information.” Because acetaminophen depletes glutathione in the liver, it can lessen “the liver’s ability to detoxify” the body, leading to increased toxicity over time.

Has acetaminophen hurt your liver? This is how you find out.

4. Dextromethorphan

When bothered by a persistent, nagging cough, you may have picked up a bottle of cough suppressant like Nyquil, Robitussin. Others use these over the counter medications to help them sleep. But look at the small print on that bottle you will probably see dexatromethorphan. Not only could one become addicted to this ingredient, if it is ingested over an extended period of time, it can cause “liver damage and multiple mental problems.” Due to its availability and ease of purchase, Drugabuse.com reports that younger people are the “common abusers” of dexatromethorphan, also known on the street as DXM. Studies in rats show that DXM creates memory impairment and cognitive dysfunction.

5. Aspirin

Who hasn’t been advised to take an aspirin? Unfortunately, this too is an NSAID drug with similarities to ibuprofen. People who take an aspirin daily are at a much higher risk of ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Aspirin sold with an enteric coating is perceived to be gentler on the stomach, but the risk of ulcers remain.

As you can see, many of these over the counter medications are used for minor to medium pain, inflammation, colds, coughing or flu symptoms. But the side effects are quite serious. It is critical to consider alternative remedies and therapies, as well as the bevy of healing herbs provided by Mother Nature.

The good news is that the need for these and any OTC medications is severely limited when you adopt a healthy and holistic lifestyle that removes the precursors that cause flare ups.

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