Digestive, Energy, Skin, Hair, and Nail Issues
I was experiencing very chronic GI issues that were severely impacting my life (both physically and emotionally). I had been seeing a variety of doctors with no answers or ability to help my symptoms. Enter the THRIVE Health Program and my life was immeasurably changed for the better. After two months on his program and learning how to REALLY eat for my health, I am a completely different person. Not only did I see impacts to my energy (through the roof), my skin, hair and nails (so much healthier), my GI issues have almost all subsided and I feel like I have my life back again (priceless).This is a game changer. For anyone suffering with any health woes, Derek is your guy. His plans are informative, supportive and it’s something you can maintain after the 8 weeks. Thanks Derek – you rock! Testimonial disclosure

Weight, Skin, and Hair Issues
When I was having some health problems my friend referred me to Derek Henry. After following his THRIVE Health Program, I started feeling better and better every day. In addition, I lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks. I have lost all cravings for junk food. My hair and skin looks better. I have more energy throughout the day. Thanks Derek! You made a huge difference in my life! Testimonial disclosure

Graves Disease (Autoimmune), Eczema, Hair, and Fatigue Issues
I developed extreme hand eczema about 4 months after the birth of my son. While trying to find a remedy, a Naturopath determined that I had also developed Graves’ disease. A form of hyperthyroidism. A friend referred me to Derek Henry and his THRIVE Health Program. Boy, I thought I had a good handle on healthy living until I received Derek’s remarkable research. Three weeks into the program, my hair loss (symptom from thyroid disease) reduced substantially, my hands were showing massive improvement and my sugar cravings significantly decreased. This is impressive coming from a refined sugar addict! I continued to implement many of the THRIVE approved foods and supplements in my daily diet. In doing so, my thyroid levels have normalized, my hands are 99% better and my energy levels are amazing. Even after hours a night wakings with a toddler! Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

IBS, Stomach, Autoimmune, Hormonal, Skin, and Hair Issues
In my 20’s, I was diagnosed with IBS. I experienced frequent bouts of rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, chronic sinus infections, allergies, back and neck pain etc. I found some relief through various natural healing modalites such as herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, massage, rolfing, reiki, Ayurvedic medicine, colonics, etc. During these 10 years, I spent at minimum $2-4K/year managing these issues. Years later, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, which spurred engagement in even more progressive (& expensive) therapies. Thus began a 7-year journey to recover from this autoimmune condition and the deterioration of many of my major bodily systems. I lost over 10% of my body weight. I struggled with chronic fatigue, light-headedness, weakness, muscle cramping, extreme numbing of limbs, spells of difficulty in walking or standing, arthritic pain in most joints, digestive issues & rectal bleeding (most of my life), major hormonal imbalances, excessive hair loss, skin elasticity loss, dry chaffed skin, extreme toxicity of multiple heavy metals, and headaches for first time in my life. In the short 2 months of the THRIVE Health Program, my breakthroughs far exceeded anything I had experienced in the 7 years prior. I would say over half of my standing issues have resolved. I went from one loose bowel movement/day to 2-4 formed stools per day. I no longer require 9-11 hours of sleep but feel great on 7-8, and even 5 on occasion. My energy levels are strong and steady. And, my hair that had started to knot and dread due to intense dryness in less than a day from a fresh wash, is again shiny, manageable after a week from a fresh wash. My over-all skin, which has been plagued by lost elasticity and dryness has improved the month following the program. My facial skin is also more vibrant, slightly rosy cheeks are developing, and color patches are evening out. Derek’s THRIVE program is quite incredible, and it works! Testimonial disclosure