Headaches, Fatigue, Weight Issues

Derek Henry and The Thrive Lifestyle Academy have put me in control of my health and empowered me to thrive in a way I didn’t think was possible without a team of experts, trainers and advisors!! I started off with almost daily headaches, general fatigue and food cravings – and after ONLY 8 days I had no headaches and had lost 12lbs! All because I committed to looking after myself and took responsibility for my health, both physically, mentally and emotionally. Thanks to Thrive, I now have the tools to navigate all 3! Thanks Derek for all your research and passion for helping others! Testimonials Disclosure

Andrea R.Los Angeles, CA

Fatigue, Eczema, Fungus, Brain Fog, UTI Issues

When I first started the THRIVE program with Derek, I didn’t quite realize how sick my body was. Only a couple of weeks into it, my heart palpitations were gone. I was no longer HAD to lay down in the middle of the day because I was no longer so tired that I literally couldn’t function. I now have so much energy ALL day. My hair and nails started to grow and become healthy and no longer break. The dry, patchy, red, irritated skin around my lips disappeared after months of trying everything to get rid of it. My toenail fungus is completely gone. The swelling I’d experience in my legs and ankles has improved drastically. My brain fog is gone. I’m more productive and can juggle 4 young kids and 3 businesses. I went from having urinary tract infections as often as 1-3 times a month to 1 in the last 6 months. I will never go back to my old lifestyle and eating habits. My health depends on it. And I deserve to be healthy and happy for myself, my husband and my kids! Testimonial Disclosure

Erin B.Exeter, Pennsylvania

Fatigue, Heart, Adrenal, Sleep, Headaches, Body Pain

Prior to joining the THRIVE Health Program, I had been struggling with extreme fatigue, heart palpitations, dizzy spells and days of feeling lightheaded. I also had difficulty sleeping, headaches, along with aches and pains throughout my body! Continuous visits to my family physician were futile, and I felt depleted as to what to do next to regain my health! Physician recommendations were heart and blood pressure meds along with anti-depressants. I found the side effects of these meds to be horrendous! After years of struggling, I found Derek Henry’s Thrive Program! To my surprise, I found it was not difficult, and the cleansing symptoms were no worse than what I had already experienced in relation to my health! In approximately 8 weeks I noticed incredible results. I was sleeping through the night and feeling rested! I had regained my energy! The heart palpitations and dizzy/lightheadedness also disappeared! I had my life back, and words can’t describe my gratitude to Derek Henry and the Thrive Program! Testimonial Disclosure

Carolynn Z.Swift Current, SK.

Digestive, Weight, Acid Reflux, Pancreas, Eczema, Fatigue, Migraine, and Body Pain Issues

Over the last 10+ years I have consulted with and spent thousands of dollars on doctors and specialist seeking help with numerous health issues such as weight gain and weight loss resistance, digestive issues, GERD, acid reflux, heartburn, pancreatitis, rosacea, skin itching, fatigue, migraines and all over body pain among other issues. I never received help that resulted in any level of healing. After a short period of time on the THRIVE Health Program, my heartburn, acid reflux and GERD were all gone and I was able to eliminate the 4 daily medications I was taking for the issue. Not long after that, my rosacea cleared up and today I have clear, normal skin. Derek has also been able to help me significantly reduce pancreas attacks, and has given me natural protocols to over come UTI’s, migraines, and oral health issues. I am so grateful for the many positive results I’ve experienced so far. Thanks Derek! Testimonial Disclosure

Jadine K.Jackson, TN

Fatigue, Adrenal, Hormonal, Sleep, Mood, and Weight Issues 

I had suffered with chronic fatigue, adrenal issues, hormonal issues, insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, low vitamin D, low Iron and ferritin stores, etc etc. After being on the THRIVE Health Program for 8 weeks I turned my life around dramatically. I lost 10 kilos, I sleep like a baby, my hormones are back in balance and my energy levels are optimal, my iron levels and vitamin D levels both sky rocketed to optimal levels. I have such high regard for Derek his knowledge and the program, I have spent thousands of dollars seen over 20 specialist and nobody was capable of giving me the knowledge and guidance that Derek’s program offers. The information is of the best quality, and so easy to follow. If you are suffering in anyway in regards to your health and wellness, I cannot recommend this program enough! Testimonial disclosure

Vera D.Sydney, Australia
Sex Organ, Skin, Hair, Energy, and Mood Issues
Though I thought I was “healthy” compared to most people, I was recently diagnosed with a fallopian tube blockage after trying to get pregnant with my husband for a year and a half. This was a devastating news as it meant that I would not only require surgery to remove both tubes, but also never be able to conceive naturally. I immediately consulted Derek and signed up for the THRIVE Health Program.  Over 8 weeks, I have not only began seeing results that my tubes are healing themselves naturally, but also an enormous amount of unanticipated positive side effects! My skin and hair have never looked better (I constantly get compliments about how I am ‘glowing’), I have lost 10 lbs, my energy levels are what they were in my teenage years, and my general mental state is in a much better place. And all of this has been achieved through a safe, natural and very educational program! Testimonial disclosure
Kindra H.Calgary, AB

Digestive, Energy, Skin, Hair, and Nail Issues

I was experiencing very chronic GI issues that were severely impacting my life (both physically and emotionally). I had been seeing a variety of doctors with no answers or ability to help my symptoms.  Enter the THRIVE Health Program and my life was immeasurably changed for the better.  After two months on his program and learning how to REALLY eat for my health, I am a completely different person.  Not only did I see impacts to my energy (through the roof), my skin, hair and nails (so much healthier), my GI issues have almost all subsided and I feel like I have my life back again (priceless).This is a game changer.  For anyone suffering with any health woes, Derek is your guy.  His plans are informative, supportive and it’s something you can maintain after the 8 weeks. Thanks Derek – you rock! Testimonial disclosure

Kristin S.Calgary, AB.

Digestive, Brain Fog, Sleep, Weight, Skin, and Energy Issues

When I started the THRIVE Health Program, I was not sure exactly what the program was but I was confident that I had chosen the right coach. I began to see results immediately as I have NEVER been regular, and I started to have a daily bowel movement. In a week or so I started sleeping better. My memory started improving and I am quicker in my thought processes, I have a lot less brain fog and am functioning better at work. My skin is much clearer and I have very few breakouts now. I have slimmed down a bit losing about 6 lbs and am craving less sugar. I have passed 2 parasites. I have more energy AND I have gone from 31% body fat to 27.5% (regular exercise wasn’t making a difference). My husband has also lost 12 lbs and my 14 year old son is also regular for the first time since he was a toddler. Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

Charlotte S.Orlando, FL

Energy, Eczema, Focus, Sleep

Many of us seeking optimal health have put lots of money down the drain on fad programs or on supplements that were thought to help but really do not help at all and may even cause more damage. The THRIVE Health Program is a guideline to not only follow for 8 weeks but for a lifetime, and you will know what supplements really do work, what you should be eating and what to avoid. Since the program I have much more energy, healed skin conditions, improved ability to focus, better sleeping patterns – the list of improvements continues to grow. I highly recommend it to anyone at any level of health who may want to heal disease, start living a healthier lifestyle or further improve upon an already healthy lifestyle. Testimonial disclosure

Scott C.Regina, Sk.

Graves Disease (Autoimmune), Eczema, Hair, and Fatigue Issues

I developed extreme hand eczema about 4 months after the birth of my son. While trying to find a remedy, a Naturopath determined that I had also developed Graves’ disease. A form of hyperthyroidism. A friend referred me to Derek Henry and his THRIVE Health Program. Boy, I thought I had a good handle on healthy living until I received Derek’s remarkable research. Three weeks into the program, my hair loss (symptom from thyroid disease) reduced substantially, my hands were showing massive improvement and my sugar cravings significantly decreased. This is impressive coming from a refined sugar addict! I continued to implement many of the THRIVE approved foods and supplements in my daily diet. In doing so, my thyroid levels have normalized, my hands are 99% better and my energy levels are amazing. Even after hours a night wakings with a toddler! Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

Erin F.Kelowna, BC