IBS, Autoimmune, Anxiety, Hormones

Over the last few decades, I’ve been managing health issues such as IBS, autoimmune flare ups, anxiety and hormonal imbalances through diet and exercise. Recently though, I decided I wanted to do more than just manage my symptoms, I wanted to heal them completely.

I’ve been following Derek on social media for almost a decade and always enjoyed learning from the videos he posts and articles he wrote throughout the years. There is a wealth of information on his website and although you can learn so much through his articles, his videos and what he shares on social media, there is nothing quite like learning from him directly. I booked a free consult and during that call I felt confident that Derek would be able to guide me towards my best healthy self.

I decided to make an investment in myself and joined Derek’s Thrive Justice program. After a health questionnaire and our first coaching call, Derek designed a supplement regime to include with the Thrive Academy protocols, that was specifically targeted to my individual health challenges. During our coaching calls, Derek was relatable, personable, knowledgeable, and made me feel comfortable sharing about my health concerns. I found the recipes in the program easy to follow and quite tasty. I especially love the Superhero smoothie!

Within a couple of weeks of following the program, I saw positive changes to my digestion, overall mood, and my sense of well-being. I slept deeply and felt more rested upon waking. After completing the first month of the program, I noticed that my clothes fit more loosely, and that I had lost 9 pounds. I experienced more clarity of mind and felt a confidence in myself and in my health for the first time in a long while. By the end of the two-month program, I was down a total of 16 pounds and I no longer experienced any IBS issues. Anxieties that plagued me for years, are now calmed and my hormones have come into balance. I feel assured that by continuing to work with the Thrive protocols and tools Derek gave me, that my autoimmune issues will continue to heal well and will no longer be of concern.

Melinda G.Coquitlam, BC Canada

Parkinson’s, Hypothyroid, Autoimmune, Endometriosis, Psoriasis

I was blessed to work with Derek for the 12-week THRIVE Revolution holistic health program. Thankfully, I had been following Derek for years prior to making the decision to work with him directly. In that time my health had traveled an intense rollercoaster of health issues, both autoimmune and chronic.

Working with Derek was like having my wise older brother take me under his wing and share with me what he had learned through his trials in life. I came in with a laundry list of symptoms, most of all fatigue, pain, and sleep issues. My list of maladies is long, but the ones that impact my life the most are hypothyroidism, Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease, psoriasis, and endometriosis. I also struggled with an inflamed gallbladder.

Derek thoughtfully shared life-changing information with me in bite-sized bits strategically timed throughout the program. This empowered me to do the hard work of implementing the necessary lifestyle changes, specific to my personal needs, that I needed to truly thrive in my day-to-day life.

It wasn’t long, and I was seeing big changes. My muscle stiffness had greatly decreased making it easier to walk, and it wasn’t long before I was running across the yard to do a chore. I’ll never forget that day. I cannot tell you how long it had been since I had run anywhere for any reason before that moment. I can even walk barefoot now, which is amazing. I have been wearing shoes or supportive slippers all the time due to foot pain for years now. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to walk barefoot in the grass after so long of not being able to do so.

Though my chronic and autoimmune illnesses are not completely resolved at this time, my quality of life has been dramatically improved. It took 50 years to get my body to this level of dis-ease. So, I don’t expect to cure everything in a mere 12 weeks. However, I have gotten remarkable results in that time.

The reduction in pain and the increase in ease of movement, coupled with the additional 30-pound weight loss, is a priceless gift. My kind of side effect! In addition, I have improved sleep, going from nine hours per night and always tired to seven hours per night and the energy needed to face the day. Brain fog is a rarity anymore, bathroom urgency is basically a thing of the past, my gallbladder is no longer inflamed, and I don’t have to worry about canceling plans due to “off days” anymore. Plus, I now have the knowledge and resources I need to continue to nourish and support my mind and body as I continue this healing journey. It is truly a beautiful thing!

Tina S.MI

Hypothyroid (Autoimmune)

Derek helped me heal my VERY serious autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism. After 4 days in the THRIVE Health Program I already noticed my symptoms were reducing. After 8 weeks, he had me off 4 of 5 medications and my symptoms were diminished by about 70%. I lost 25 pounds (which put me at a near ideal weight), 5 inches, 4 pant sizes, increased my oxygenation, increased my height (less stiffness, which straightened me up), increased my mobility, increased my range of motion, and I now have increased energy, better mood, better clarity. What I love is that he takes what can be a very complicated and frustrating subject (health and wellness) and simplifies it so that anyone can understand and take appropriate action. Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

Myrtle E.

Crohn’s (Autoimmune), Adrenal, Candida, Thyroid, and Hormonal Issues

I have been living with and trying to manage symptoms from Crohn’s Disease for nearly three decades now and I am only 37 years old. Over the last 5-10 years issues with adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, low energy and many more symptoms have also come into play. I had been on various immunosuppressants drugs, as well as various steroids for the better part of my life. I had tried several different roads to health such as naturopaths, “healthy eating” etc. I had mild successes, however my normal day to day still involved a lot of pain, discomfort, and highs and lows. I was skeptical at first that Derek would be able provide me with any information that was different than what I had heard from my naturopath. I was wrong. The THRIVE Health Program, changed my life. Within weeks I noticed changes in the way I was feeling and how my body was reacting. My new “normal” is light years better than how I felt before. I am off all medications at this point and am confident that my body will continue to only improve. Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

Erin O.Moncton, NB

Graves Disease (Autoimmune), Eczema, Hair, and Fatigue Issues

I developed extreme hand eczema about 4 months after the birth of my son. While trying to find a remedy, a Naturopath determined that I had also developed Graves’ disease. A form of hyperthyroidism. A friend referred me to Derek Henry and his THRIVE Health Program. Boy, I thought I had a good handle on healthy living until I received Derek’s remarkable research. Three weeks into the program, my hair loss (symptom from thyroid disease) reduced substantially, my hands were showing massive improvement and my sugar cravings significantly decreased. This is impressive coming from a refined sugar addict! I continued to implement many of the THRIVE approved foods and supplements in my daily diet. In doing so, my thyroid levels have normalized, my hands are 99% better and my energy levels are amazing. Even after hours a night wakings with a toddler! Thanks Derek! Testimonial disclosure

Erin F.Kelowna, BC

IBS, Stomach, Autoimmune, Hormonal, Skin, and Hair Issues

In my 20’s, I was diagnosed with IBS. I experienced frequent bouts of rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, chronic sinus infections, allergies, back and neck pain etc. I found some relief through various natural healing modalites such as herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, massage, rolfing, reiki, Ayurvedic medicine, colonics, etc. During these 10 years, I spent at minimum $2-4K/year managing these issues. Years later, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, which spurred engagement in even more progressive (& expensive) therapies. Thus began a 7-year journey to recover from this autoimmune condition and the deterioration of many of my major bodily systems. I lost over 10% of my body weight. I struggled with chronic fatigue, light-headedness, weakness, muscle cramping, extreme numbing of limbs, spells of difficulty in walking or standing, arthritic pain in most joints, digestive issues & rectal bleeding (most of my life), major hormonal imbalances, excessive hair loss, skin elasticity loss, dry chaffed skin, extreme toxicity of multiple heavy metals, and headaches for first time in my life. In the short 2 months of the THRIVE Health Program, my breakthroughs far exceeded anything I had experienced in the 7 years prior. I would say over half of my standing issues have resolved. I went from one loose bowel movement/day to 2-4 formed stools per day. I no longer require 9-11 hours of sleep but feel great on 7-8, and even 5 on occasion. My energy levels are strong and steady. And, my hair that had started to knot and dread due to intense dryness in less than a day from a fresh wash, is again shiny, manageable after a week from a fresh wash. My over-all skin, which has been plagued by lost elasticity and dryness has improved the month following the program. My facial skin is also more vibrant, slightly rosy cheeks are developing, and color patches are evening out. Derek’s THRIVE program is quite incredible, and it works! Testimonial disclosure

Vanessa W.Dallas, TX

Rheumatoid Arthritis (Autoimmune)

When I started the THRIVE Health Program, I had excruciating pain in my thumbs and wrists and some of my fingers. I went to my family doctor, and he put me on naproxin for the pain. Shortly after, my left leg and knee doubled in size. I saw a specialist and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune condition). I was put on prescription medications and my hair began to fall out at an alarming rate. After a few drug changes and still no real results, I reached out to Derek Henry to try his THRIVE Program. I have to say that was the BEST thing I have ever done!! Two weeks into the program my knee was down to normal size. Approximately three to four weeks I was off blood pressure medication and the arthritis meds were reduced! Two months ago I became medication free! If you have any health issues, Derek is your man. Thanks so much Derek. Your program is amazing!! Testimonial disclosure

Darlene A.Indian Head, SK