Depression, Anxiety, Nightmares, Fatigue, Headaches, Tinnitus, Weak Bladder, Heart Burn
Before I started the THRIVE Academy with Derek I had major depression, anxiety, nightmares, major fatigue, headaches every morning, tinnitus, full ears, excessive mucus, weak bladder, and extreme heart burn.
60 days into the plan I have lost 30 lbs, my energy has drastically improved, my depression, anxiety and nightmares are almost none existent, I don’t get headaches very often anymore, and my bladder doesn’t feel weak like it used to. I’m down to a quarter of what I used to take for medication for heartburn, and my ears have started to loosen up.
I’m still following the plan to hopefully get those two stubborn symptoms to go away completely, but I definitely feel my body healing more every day!