Chronic Sinus Infections, Mold Exposure, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Silent Reflux
“I have been dealing with illness for such a long time that by the time I found THRIVE Academy I had pretty much given up hope of ever feeling better. I had chronic sinus infections, mold exposure, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and LPR / silent reflux and while I had resolved a couple of those, my immune system was still weak and my energy was still low. I was catching everything that I was exposed to and had started to think I should just accept the idea that perhaps I would not get better after all, and that maybe I would, in fact, catch something one day and not recover.
One day I saw a video with Derek and my interest was piqued so I checked out his site. I looked around and read all the testimonials and found two that really sounded like me and had completely recovered. Wow! Was there a possibility that that could be me, too? I didn’t really think so but there was still that human drive inside me that pushed me to keep trying. After sharing with my husband and giving it some thought I decided to go ahead.
After the first 10 days of the program my energy was much better. Also, and this surprised me, it felt like my brain came out of a fog that I didn’t know I had. More striking was that not only did my brain wake up but my emotions did, too. And despite some bumps, my immune system is stronger and I don’t seem to catch everything that is floating around, either — wow and finally!
But here’s the craziest, most unexpected thing that happened: my husband has been suffering from mold exposure, which has affected his cognition and energy. He decided on his own to follow the diet with me. After a few days, both his energy and cognition did just about a complete 180-degree turnaround. It was hard to believe. He was up and around, busy and more talkative. What had had me tearing my hair out now seemed to have been resolved in a matter of days, and that because of easy-to-make changes to his diet. This experience makes the program solid gold!
I love the food I cam now can see that the right food heals just like I had always heard. I now understand what a nutrient dense diet looks like. I don’t plan on ever changing my diet very much; even after I am better I will still use the principles and the foods and supplements that have helped me as I know that they will keep me well!
Working with Derek and his THRIVE Justice program has been one of the best decisions, best investments that I have made and I would easily do it again. I highly recommend it.”
Kristin Young Bernardo
San Diego, CA