Sex Organ, Skin, Hair, Energy, and Mood Issues
Though I thought I was “healthy” compared to most people, I was recently diagnosed with a fallopian tube blockage after trying to get pregnant with my husband for a year and a half. This was a devastating news as it meant that I would not only require surgery to remove both tubes, but also never be able to conceive naturally. I immediately consulted Derek and signed up for the THRIVE Health Program. Over 8 weeks, I have not only began seeing results that my tubes are healing themselves naturally, but also an enormous amount of unanticipated positive side effects! My skin and hair have never looked better (I constantly get compliments about how I am ‘glowing’), I have lost 10 lbs, my energy levels are what they were in my teenage years, and my general mental state is in a much better place. And all of this has been achieved through a safe, natural and very educational program! Testimonial disclosure