For a better part of the past century, we have come to rely on the conventional healthcare model as the premiere method of treating disease. It certainly has its strengths, primarily in the acute and emergency care services, but in recent years more light has been shed on the vulnerabilities the system contains and how that translates to the population’s health.
Changing ones mindset around health care can be intimidating, especially when you have been taught that it is the superior system. However, when presented with some clear facts and obvious holes, I hope you will be able to make a more accurate assessment of the conventional healthcare model, and why you should turn your back on it when it comes to disease management and improving your overall health.
Poor track record with chronic disease
The numbers speak for themselves when it comes to the results of the conventional healthcare model, and they’re not only poor, they’re downright frightening. Consider the following, from 5 Ways Hospitals Have Dropped The Ball On Healthcare And What they Need To Do To Improve It:
“The system is at its worst in the U.S., which has the most expensive health care in the world and also ranks dead last in quality of care among industrialized countries.
If that is not proof enough that the current system is flawed, consider recent research that revealed 210,000 lives are lost each year by preventable hospital errors. If you choose to include diagnostic errors, failure to follow proper guidelines, and omission errors, the number climbs to 440,000 preventable deaths each year! Turns out that these errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., immediately after heart disease and cancer.”
Also, despite spending billions of dollars of people’s hard earned charitable donations, the conventional health care model is no closer to eradicating any major disease, and in fact, the numbers continue to rise with many chronic diseases like cancer and alarming conditions like autism. This raises serious concerns about how this model is addressing chronic disease, why it can’t find a remedy, and where it is looking for the answers. This is punctuated by the fact that many alternative healthcare models centred in nutrition and detoxification are having impressive results, despite receiving next to no funds from the public sector or government.
Maybe the remedy has been here all along, and the conventional healthcare model has just failed to recognize it due to egos, lobbyists, poor education, and financial interests.
Closed-minded authoritarianism
When it comes to overcoming a health concern, the patient’s voice matters. In many cases the doctor takes a very belittling and authoritative stance, often dismissing the concerns of the patient and even chalking up their symptoms to being “all in their head”. This from a trusted and presumably caring human being, who works for the patient, not the other way around.
Further to that, any mention of alternative options by the patient is often met with a scoff and illegitimate claims that there is no proof that any methods outside of the conventional healthcare model can work. This kind of closed minded behaviour may be the prime example we need to consider on why conventional healthcare is so poor when it comes to successful treatment of their patients – that is, their eyes and ears are glued shut.
Any successful health journey requires understanding, open communication, collaboration, and an education on all available facets of healthcare. Unfortunately, many medical professionals fall short of the mark on all these facets, due to their close-minded authoritarianism.
Lack of education, coaching, or mentorship
When dealing with someone who is chronically ill, it’s reasonable to think that this individual doesn’t understand or is not motivated to change the habits that are causing or exacerbating the disease. So what does the conventional health care model do? They keep the patient in the dark, on drugs, and with no other advice but to accept their fate as a pill popper for the rest of their life.
The primary way for someone to become healthy and stay that way is to get properly educated, empowered, and motivated so they can take on the concern with all the right tools. These traits are completely absent in the conventional health care model, and what’s worse, this model will rarely if ever refer their patients to someone who can provide these characteristics. For a continuum of healthcare to work there must be acknowledgement of the strengths of each niche, with a referral process that helps get the patient healthier. Unfortunately, the close-mindedness and reward system in place in conventional healthcare negates that as a reasonable option at this time.
This is where a program like THRIVE shines and creates as many healing testimonials as it does, because it is based primarily on education, coaching, and mentorship.
They operate off a drug based, repeat customer model
Anyone who has done any reasonable amount of research or had any kind of experience with taking prescription drugs, knows there are always side effects and that they don’t actually fix the problem. Using prescription drugs to heal a chronic disease condition is akin to putting a bandaid on the engine light of your car and hoping the problem will just go away. As a result, the patient never improves, but it is exceptionally rewarding financially for the industry when the patient refills their pill containers every month for decades.
This sets up a model that is not very well incentivized by actually healing the patient. In fact, in order to even have a job in this industry this model has to exist, because if they recommended appropriate lifestyle changes and healing protocols, their customer base would dramatically dwindle in numbers and frequency, crippling the infrastructure. This is why the system is more the problem than the people in it.
As long as this model remains in effect, you can count on being treated like another drug user and will be expected to fill your prescription on a regular basis, even though it doesn’t solve the source of the issue. The livelihood of the medical profession, and the drug industry, depends on it. It’s also why many of them are so handsomely compensated, because that kind of repeat customer base provides the revenue to reward these professionals financially. I personally have no issue with a professional being rewarded, for helping generate the RESULTS their clients want. However, when they don’t do that and are still rewarded exceptionally, I take issue with their lack of conscience.
This is why I endorse the naturally based, low repeat model of healthcare. One that addresses the issue source, has little to no side effects, and eventually enables the client to manage their health in a way that results in little to no repeat visits. It’s the way it should be, if you are doing the job right.
This is why I stand behind my THRIVE Academy, because it creates the results lacking in the health industry, and empowers people to be their own caretakers of their vitality. I can assure you, no one cries about improved health, less hospital visits, and fewer doctors appointments. They do cry however, about being hooked on prescriptions, feeling generally ill, and suffering from side effects that they often don’t see coming.
That’s not healthcare, that’s inhumane. It’s time to put a stop to it.
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